Monday, June 25, 2012

snapshots of life

1. nineteen weeeeeeeks! 2. my beautiful fabulous FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC petunia pickle bottom bag {smile} 3. t & i (well, our feet) made it into my little sister's (aka my old highschool's) yearbook. sometimes our cool factor is just sky high. 4. figuring out some frames for our walls!
5. a cute couch 6. a HUGE pizza for a late night at the laundromat 7. I FOUND A DAISY! 8. usually, being a blogger means taking too many photos and posting them on the internet. but sometimes, it means chocolate covered fruit baskets. {i like those times best}
9. a date to the taco bus 10. i made a pillowcase for baby girl!

xo lauren


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Babies don't use pillows. SIDS is a risk...

Sadie Dear said...

I love that picture of your feet! You're right: totally cool!

A+J said...

You are just the cutest little wife and expecting mother. I wish I had your sewing abilities. I need some new pillows for my newlywed apartment. Also..that fruit has inspired me to ask for chocolate covered everything fruit for my birthday

Eatlovemerry said...

You are such an adorable girl!

Haley said...

Can't a girl make a pillow without an anonymous judgmental comment? One day that baby is going to grow and need a pillow, ya know.

I love these snapshot posts, they make blogging so easy! by the way, that pizza looks so good right now!

Rachel said...

Just discovered your blog and I'm so glad I did!You are lovely!And congrats on your little lady!

Anonymous said...

Congrats of your little girl! you look great :) so glad I stumbled upon your blog today- love it!

xo, samantha

Cait Emma said...

ooo i am in love with the pillowcase pattern xo

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