baby girl will have it goin' on
1. inspired by | 2. inspired by | 3. jennie moss | 4. tutorial here
i've been a busy bird making & collecting things for baby girl!
so far i really really like this whole "less pinning more doing" thing.
sooner or later i'll have to post some photos of the things i've collected for her room!!
but before i do that i think someone should teach me how to take photos of inanimate objects. cause seriously? that up there is just sad!!
anyway, have a darling day
xo lauren
These are so cute! I just found out yesterday that i am having a baby gril so now i can get started on cute crafts like these. I'll have to check out all the tutorials for them.
Just found your blog! How stinkin cute. Love these headbands! I'd love to swap buttons if you are interested.
SO SO cute, gahhhh I can't wait to make and collect things for my babies, wanna start doing those pins already! hehe
Thanks for the tips of how to conceive a baby girl. When trying to determine how to proceed to have a baby girl people often have come up with very strange, and even unsafe, practices. In some cultures, people even tie of the baby’s testicles hoping they will wither and therefore produce a baby girl. While practices like this do not work and are not recommended to be done at any time, there are some things people can do to help them have a healthy, beautiful baby girl. If you want to know how to have a baby girl, there are plenty of things which can be tried, visit for more commonly used and practice methods when couples are trying to have a baby girl.
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