hey heyyy guys. still very much alive over here. {smile}
lots of things have happened while i've been on my little blog break. i'll share the pregnancy related things today, and the rest later this week. because pregnancy shtuff is way more interesting than normal shtuff, of course.
- i have been consistently measuring 2-3 weeks bigger at my last few appointments. travis thinks our due date might be off, i think it's because of how i've been carrying baby girl. who knows!
- i can still fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans! SUCCESS!! i can't button or zip the crotch, but that's why God created rubber bands.
- i took that icky glucose test a few weeks ago and turns out i've developed gestational diabetes. at first i was very disappointed in myself, but also frustrated because it wasn't like i was eating junky foods all the time, i thought i was doing pretty good! it shouldn't have been a huge surprise though, since diabetes runs in my family. after a few (okay, a lot) of initial tears and wallowing I've come to think of this as a great opportunity to learn more about nutrition and how it can effect my body! this is a good thing!! the only thing that stinks is the finger pricking. the finger pricking stinks.
- t & i watched What to Expect When You're Expecting last night & i LOVED IT! i thought it was hilariously cute. i am also now very certain that i am terrified of needing a C-section.
- we are pretty sure we've decided on a name for baby girl. i'll keep it a surprise till she's born, but i will say that we are loving it more and more every day!
- my due date is in 8 WEEKS! can you believe that?? and i could give birth anytime after 5 WEEKS! oh the insanity!
xo lauren
Hey girl,
You are looking so dang cute! That's so exciting that you are measuring out bigger.. I found out last week that I am too but I'm still going to stick with my original due date just in case he doesn't decide to come sooner ;P
We watched What to expect when you are expecting on Saturday night (what a coincidence)! I loved it but my hormones got to me at the end when they were all giving birth and I was crying. Are you planning on sharing your birth story?
Also that's great you two have a name picked out, we have yet to agree on something. I think little girl names are SO MUCH easier!
ummm hello cutest prego belly ever! that's crazy that baby girl is due so soon! you'll be the cutest mama! p.s. i blogged about our skydiving date a couple weeks ago.. if you didn't already see. :)
Um, okay, way to be like the cutest preggo girl evers. Haha :) So exciting! I love babies. This must be a thrilling time! That diabetes is stinky, though. But that is a great way to look at it! You'll be like a health food guru. :)
You look gorgeous. Wishing you the best with the rest of your pregnancy! :)
You are so adorable :)
So excited to find out your baby girl's name!!
we watched that movie the other night too. SO funny and nice to watch something relating so close to my life right now!
Lo, you look so good. Seriously. I'm amazed at how awesome and beautiful you look that far along! I'm so excited to see pics of your cute baby--you better send them to me!!
Lauren you look fantastic! Can't believe only 8 weeks left..SO very excited for you and wishing you all the very best!! :)
You are just so cute at 3 weeks. Sorry to hear about the gestational diabetes but I do know it really helps keep you and your baby healthy as you discover this and discover ways to eat even more healthy. Way to keep that baby healthy! I have maternity jeans but do love to put on my normal jeans from time to time to make sure they still fit. Always a good feeling. Thanks for sharing!
so freaking cute! i cant wait to hear what name you chose! love your outfit as well girly.
you may be just the most darling-est pregnant woman ever! still looking classy girl :)
Oh my heck, you are the cutest pregnant girl ever!!! :) so cute!
You may be measuring big b/c of the gestational diabetes. I have it as well and one of the side effects of having it is that you may end up with a really big baby which is not good. Just keep your diet on track and all should be good - you also have a higher chance of having a c-section - me too, no fun! Good luck!
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