Needless to say, I was thrilled. I waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity for another one to come, hoping that another one would come, and lo and behold seven minutes later the next one came. Then seven minutes later, the next. And so one until a little after 8 o'clock, when i rolled over and shook trav's shoulder with all my might and whispered "babe! i'm having contractions! today is the day!"
to which he replied, "that's great!" and then "zzzzzzzzz". ha! MEN.
so we shower'd, breakfast'd and got ready'd for the day and while i was curling my hair i got a big contraction. so i put both hands on the sink, bent over a bit and tried my hardest not to tense up and really breathe through the contraction the way they taught us to in our birth class. when i opened my eyes, travis was watching me and said, "you looked kinda weird". WELL ALRIGHT THEN.
anyway, i kissed that man goodbye and he was off to class. so, i was ready to labor at home for the day and was basically PUMPED. in my mind i had so many things to do before baby girl was to finally make her appearance! the laundry had to be done, dishes, shower had to be cleaned, bedroom organized and all that shtuff. I was so ready to go, i could accomplish it all between contractions! it also seemed like i was on the phone all morning long. with my mom, mother-in-law, sister and cousin/doula... all trying to keep them informed on how things were going. my mom told me to go back to sleep. "sleep while you can, before the contractions get worse", she said. "pshhh. this really isn't bad at all. and i got shtuff to do", i said.
well ten minutes later i found myself dropped to my knees on the bathroom floor, curling iron and hair spray left abandoned. mom was right, the contractions do get worse. HOLY COW.
that's when i decided to take it easy for the rest of the day. officially, the shtuff would have to wait.
trav came home around 3pm and i told him things were still okay, work on your homework while you still can. but, it seemed like people kept coming over all afternoon! people to see the new apartments {i mentioned that we are the managers right?}, people just to visit, and the guy to take our maternity photos. we had planned on taking maternity photos that day, of course this was before i knew i would be in labor! my contractions were getting closer together, but i knew that today would be the last day i would be pregnant... so i promptly said, "LET'S DO THIS" and we had a 30 minute photo shoot with travis right outside our place with me taking lots of breaks in between contractions. the things i'll do for posterity.
after the photoshoot, my contractions started getting worse. like, tears and wails sort of worse. we decided to get in a warm bath, and it is amazing how much it helped. i think for our next baby, i'm just going to hop in the bath from the very beginning and stay in there all day. the bath really helped and you guys, travis is really good at comforting me during labor. all night long he was so supportive and caring, and knew just what to say to comfort me. he would hold my hand through every contraction and count them out, saying things like, "the worst is over! almost done!" for each and every one. i really don't know how i ever would have done it without him. i am so grateful for him!
please excuse the boobage. i was 39 weeks pregnant, after all.
don't let the smile confuse you. i really was in labor, the ability to smile comes only between the contractions.
don't let the smile confuse you. i really was in labor, the ability to smile comes only between the contractions.
we left right away, because i could NOT wait much longer! i was still in my swim suit when i clambered into trav's red truck and i didn't even pack a hospital bag. {i know right? a blogger that didn't pack a hospital bag? is that even legal?} it was about 8:30pm and we sped off to the hospital to have this baby girl!
i'll post the rest of her birth story tomorrow.
stay tuned!
xo lauren
read Part II
I am loving this. Can't wait to hear the rest of it. I hope i can maintain your excitement and positive attitude during contractions.
cant wait to hear more! (and see the maternity pics!)
can't wait to hear the rest!
lauren, I just LOVE hearing all of this :)
Haha I love that you powered through your maternity shoot while in labor. What a trooper!
I love that you went to the hospital without a bag and in a swim suit. Best pregnancy story ever!
Wow! Well here is hoping I'll be that calm when my baby comes in June!
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