Wednesday, May 15, 2013

summer mornings

i do love idaho summers. it's the perfect amount of summer, i'd say.
this summer we wake up every morning at seven am like clockwork. we hate it, and we love it.
we can't go a week without sipping a few lime ricki's.
we sometimes buy a rotisserie chicken from Winco for dinner... but it doesn't make it out of the car.
finger. licking. good.
we make smoothies first thing every morning.
we visit target a lot.
daddy works hard. mommy launders....hard.
and we play in the yard, enjoying the sunshine at least three times everyday.


xo lauren


Alexa Zurcher said...

love your cute new design!

and oh that millie is so cute! we visit target often too! ;)

Unknown said...

You are so beautiful, baby girl is so beautiful, and the picture of baby girl kissing daddy is TO DIE FOR. So precious. xo

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