Wednesday, March 05, 2014

it's ANOTHER girl!


it's for reals a girl!
what a heavenly, glorious thing. i am so excited to have two sweet little mrs in our family. really, i have no words. PLUS we already have everything we could need! the only thing i'll really be on the lookout for during yard sale season this summer is a toddler bed for millie girl and a double stroller!

i can't wait to see my girls' relationship unfold... already millie is the sweetest to all of her baby cousins. she loves to gives kisses and squeezes any chance she can get. although sometimes she also likes to gives pinches and hits.... we're working on it.

it is the most wonderful thing to have a sister. GOSH i am so excited for my girls & the friendship they will have!!!!

xo lauren


Irene said...

congratulations!! :) it's the best because you can use Millie's things

Kaity B. said...

Congratulations!!! I love my sister to pieces- she is my best friend in the entire world. Sisters really are such a blessing!

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