Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm Engaged!

It's finally happened! I'm officially, miraculously, exstatically engaged to marry Trav. I can honestly and completely say that he is the love of my life, & i can not wait to share everything with this man! He adores me, & I admire him oh so much... here's our story, i'm sorry it's taken so long! {four days...!} We've got some inpatient people in da hiz-house, teehee. I'm excited to tell it. Too bad i can't show off my actions i've made up for the story! Stinky blog...

Part I: First Impressions
Last semester, i took a psychology class. I didn't know anyone, & i pretty much doodled my way all through class.... along with taking good notes! Promise! One day, at the end of September, class had ended and I made my usual journey out of the building towards devotional. Just as I exit the building, I hear a "Hey-- HEY! Daisy Girl!" being exclaimed in my direction. I turn around, & there's this tall, blonde, cheery boy smiling at me. "Where's your flower today, Daisy Girl?" he asks.
{ok, time for a little background info. If you know me at all you'll know that i HEART flowers more than i heart any other non-person thing. More than my oma loves vinegar water. Surprisingly... that's saying something. So i wear a flower in my hair quite often, because it makes me feel like a princess. }
Today, i'm not wearing a flower. I'm surprised by his comment. I flash him a confused look and reply, witty & charming as I am, "Umm... none of mine matched?" Ha! Next he asks me my name & i tell him, then i hurry off to devotional & don't stop to talk. (Which is very uncharacteristic of me--meeting new people is my favorite thing!) I'm not sure why, I just thought he was weird!
I see him again next time we have class. i purposely place a flower in my hair; i just know he'll try to talk to me again & i want to make it easy-ish, so that i can try to be charming rather than seemingly snooty this time around. He comes into class, plops down next to me, & gets into his groove: asking me about my art class, where i'm from, how do i like psychology? He scores my digits so that we can "study" sometime. Rock on Trav, rock on.

 Part II: Let's Get Together!
First of all can i just say how completely & unabashedly OBLIVIOUS i am? Boys like me... but i can never pick up on it, until one of my trusted girlfriends tells me. i'm like the Patrick Star of pick-ups, it's a little sad!
So Trav asked me on our 1st date. I didn't think much of it. Because, lots of people ask me on our first dates. That's kinda how mormon dating works! We had an absolute blast. But i didn't think much of it, because i usually always have an absolute blast. I did, however, think he was a Jimmy Choo purse-full of fun. Soon he started coming over all the time. He got to know & be good friends with all of my room-girls, and i'm pretty sure that ALL of my room-girls had crushes on him. Even I had a bit of a crush on him! But i was always out with other guys, and he's a big flirt. So, once again, i didn't think much of it. I just didn't think he liked  just me! Eventually, i started dating Gabe. Gabe was a very nice boy, and he started asking lots of questions... he wanted a commitment from me. But goshdangit! It just didn't feel right. I remember even telling Trav, on the day of the Gabe DTR, how very very scared i was. After lots of prayer, I decided that I wasn't going to commit to Gabe.
Two hops & a skip after my decision, I called my sister to tell her the news. Colee had come up to visit the previous weekend, and had met all of my favorite Rexburg friends. My room-girls, Gabe & Trav... everyone! After i gave her the scivy she said teasingly, "Well you know, Travis super likes you."
"....What? No he doesn't. He flirts with like, everyone!"
I was super surprised. Honestly! He's just such a fun loving guy; he's the biggest flirt! I hadn't noticed any special attention from him at all. Colee said she'd talked to him about it, and he really liked me. A girl can always trust her sister, right? She told me that she was going to give him the green flag.
I went to do my math homework. I couldn't concentrate on my math homework.
I was too excited about the possibility of this boy.
This wonderfully fun, caring, ambitious, attractive boy. Ahhh can you say butterflies??
The next day was a big day. Because i knew he had the green flag, and i was just so very excited! During psychology, we often spent our time writing notes, drawing doodles, being nubs.. today we wrote a story. The whole thing is riddled with inside jokes.. sorry!
Psssst! Roll over the text & SCROLL for the story.

laurenOnce, while in a psychology class,
travThere was a teacher who would speak nothing but oodles of psycho-babble.
laurenIt was a pseudoscientific frenzy! Lauren & Travis could only do one thing…
travNot listen to him, instead they would make small moments together which would one day lead to…
laurenA magical fairy appearing! She turned them into the prince and princess of Bulgaria, where they lived in a castle and everyone in the kingdom spoke in wonderful accents.
travThe fairy said, “You may only be a prince and princess of Bulgaria under one condition, you must always be touchy-feely, and if you are not you will never be…”
laurenHappy! And will lose the ability to think with an open mind. This touchy-feely business is perfectly wonderful for Travis, who is known far and wide as the most flirty prince in the land.
travBut little did anybody know that Prince Travis never wanted to be known as the flirt of the land. And littler did they know that his heart was set upon the prettiest wild flower he had ever seen, and hoped and prayed that this wild flower would one day see him for who he is…
laurenPrincess Lauren then wondered if this wild flower was a Daisy?
travAnd as the Prince sat and thought of something poetic to say the only word that came to his mind to answer the question was “yes,” and boy does he like this Daisy. But wonders about her thoughts about him…
laurenWell, the Daisy can’t help but smile… =)
travAnd in the end the pretty Daisy Girl came to her understanding that the Prince and her were meant to cross paths and spend a moment in time with each other to make each other smile, laugh, to hold hands and even steal a kiss every once in a while. And they did this for the X amount of time they have with each other. And life was good…
laurenSonic Good.
Travis & Lauren
laurenP.S. You surprise me!
travP.P.S. I always will…
laurenP.P.P.S. Let’s have an awfully big adventure? =)
travP.P.P.P.S. As long as we’re with each other… we will.

He asked me to be his girlfriend the same day, & already i was overwhelmed with how understanding&charming he was! Already i knew that i am such a lucky girl. After our DTR he asked, "Man... doesn't this just feel right?"
And you know what? It did.
It felt so right.

Part III: The Proposal
Here it issssss! How he proposed. How he changed my life, for the better. Let me just start off by saying how VERY Trav this proposal is. It is Trav to the max!
At ten in the AM, i was supposed to meet up with Danny Benny & Matt {Trav's room mates} to grab a pie tin for my foods class. I was running late, when Brett darling came to the door to pick me up! "Hey uhh.. danny told me to come get you! Let's hurry.. i uh, have a class." Wasn't that nice of him? To think of picking me up! So sweet. When we get to the Crossroads {cafeteria type place} Brett comes in with me, because he decides he has a few minutes before the class that he was late to?
I go up to Danny & Matt's table, and there's a daisy sitting on top! It's for me, & i  take it with a smile. I don't think much of it, because Trav always does sweet things like this. Next, a friend named Ben {a music major} gets on the stage and dedicates a song to me. Wasn't that nice of him? To think of singing a song just for me! He begins singing of a Daisy Girl and i think... WHAT is Trav doing?
All of a sudden, people start merging on me. 30-40 people, half of them complete strangers, come from all over the Crossroads to place a daisy on the table in front of me. I tried my best to nervously say, "thank you!" after each one, but there were just so many of them!
I got flowers from random loved ones all day long, i was so very confused as to what was going on.

Later that night, after I had kissed Trav a thank-you for the pretty flowers, we decided to head back to Birch to hang out. Once we leave his building he says that he forgot his phone, and I lean against a parked car waiting him to return. I then notice these boys creeping out from the shadows. I didn't think much of it because, you know... boys do that sometimes, right? When they came closer,  i notice they have masks on their faces. Out of no where, they grab me! Blindfold me and start carrying me off to who-knows-where. I'm terrified! I'm screaming & kicking--i'm scared for my life! Until i hear their voices, & recognize it as our friends. So, i'm obedient and i get in the truck. {By the way, they're speaking like the Russian mafia the whole time, they are having so much fun with it!} So i'm blindfolded, and they take me into a room in the Ricks building. They leave me, seemingly alone. I'm sitting at a small table, with a chair seated across from me. A date-type setting. WHAT is Trav doing??
I hum "Shawty Like a Melody" to myself, waiting for them to come back or something. Then i hear Trav's voice, "You may remore your blindfold."
I take the scarf from my eyes, and I take a look around. We're in our old psycholgy classroom--where we first met. He walks over, and sits down across from me. My hands start stinging, I'm nervous! He asks me where do I see myself in two years? In ten years? I say, "With you, of course!"
Then the boys come back in. They have a huge bowl of ice cream, and a laptop playing Disney Princess songs. They do a dance for us, and then we dance together. {fyi Trav's favorite thing to do is dance with me. It's power ranger, i know!}
The boys leave again, and now a Frank Sinatra type song is playing.
Trav grasps my freshly manicured hands, and he looks at me with his blue-er than sky eyes. Trav humbly declres to me, "Lauren, I love you. I want to provide for you &I want to be the patriarch for our family, I promise to always do my best to make you happy." He lowers himself to one knee, and pulls a rose red ring-box from his pocket, opens it, and asks, "Lauren Pulsipher, will you go on an awfully big adventure with me?"
I reply," Yes yes yes!" And on my finger he places the ring that will stay there forevermore.

Next the boys come back into the room; Ring-pops are on their fingers and the lyric, "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it!" is sounding into the room. We have such sweet friends!

There you have it, folks. I am now an engaged woman!
Also, the happiest I have ever been in my life. Ohhhh how I love this man.


Sarah Williams said...

I hate it when people read a post and don't comment!! So I had to comment b/c its such a cute story! You guys will be so happy. I'm excited for you!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Came over from your mom's blog.
She's exicted! Congrats to you and your awesome guy.
Ya, Rexburg is cold (read from one of your other posts) Lived here for the past 23 years.
Hopefully you can get through finals with your feet on the ground!

Nicole said...

Oh Lauren - you are such a lucky girl. I love reading your blog. You are such a sweet spirit. I remember when you came into young women's. you have grown up into an awesome woman! He is so lucky to have a girl like you!

Sister Ragusa

emma said...

lauren.. this brought tears to my eyes. you are a lucky girl, and your fiancee sure is lucky too!

Momza said...

I popped over here from your Mom's blog--and I just haveta say this is SO STINKIN' CUTE!!!
You are a darling young woman and he is one lucky young man.
Too sweet for words!
Congratulations and may your journey be BIG and Wonderful!

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

Young love is so special and sweet. You are adorable and I wish you happy life! What a beautiful couple!!

Serenity Now

The beginning is always the BEST

Ann Marie said...

I came over from your mom's blog!
Super-cute post!!

I love your story.. and I am very excited for your new adventure! :)

~ Ann Marie

Kathy said...

This is the CUTEST engagement story I've ever heard. It made me tear up a bit and giggle a lot.

Jordan said...

Perfect. Absolutely perfect. :)

BecomingKassiani said...

awhhss!! I was clicking the next button on blogs and your story came up!

Hope you guys are still together and having a grand old time !

Brooke T said...

OH.MY.GOSH. This story needs to be recognized! That's the cutesttttt engagement proposal every. You have really nice friends :D

caymccoy said...

This story just warmed my lil heart <3 So adorable, you two are so lucky!

Gertrude said...

Aw this is the cutest story ever!! :) x

Bows and Pearls

Anonymous said...

I totally just read every single word of this! SOOO CUTE!! goodness i love it!

Brissa said...

so i realize i'm a little late in reading this, but i was doing my routine blog stalking and decided to learn everything about you. {don't be creeped}. it's beautiful. like a movie. i love your love.

ashley jackson :) said...

Tell your husband to teach mine a thing or two about CUTNESS! Oh my word you are so lucky woman! Sorry we couldn't be at your wedding, these kiddos kyle and I have aren't cheap!

Im so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

so freaking cute! i love real true love stories

thanks for sharing :)


Anna said...

oh my sweet goodness. This is probably the most adorable, romantic love story I have ever read ( and i am a serious blog stalker and have read many adorable love stories). You two are so cute and I can't wait to read more of your blog!! So happy i stumbled along your blog!

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