Monday, January 31, 2011

little lauren

i don't have a photo taken of me ten years ago,
but i do have one taken 14 years ago.
here's me & the sibs waiting for the bus on the first day of kindergarten.
{psst. i'm the blonde one. with the attitude.}
if you'll notice, i'm wearing a dress. & frilly socks {what the heck mom?}
the things she made me wear...
but. i take pride in the fact that she couldn't make me wear pants when i was little.
i was a dress kind of girl.
sometimes i agreed to man-pants... but only if they were under my dress.
i was a tough cookie let me tell you.

love lauren


caymccoy said...

Ohh I was exactly the same way! The only time I'd wear jeans was under my dress or it was strictly biker (spandex) shorts. Now I live in jeans.. how did that happen?!

CB said...

You look exactly the same just miniature!! Ha Ha So cute!

hmmm said...

k, I LOVE old photos! you are totally and completely adorable. and I think that your mom and my mom might have been soul sistas because I SWEAR I have a photo of my mini self rocking that very same ensemble (including the giant white bow burette)!

Eva said...

haha, cute :)
i love the shoes, all little girls have to have shoes like that don't they?

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