Tuesday, January 31, 2012

i can be extra-curricular

In highschool, I took pride in being a choir queer.
I loved every moment singing my guts out and being in the school musicals!

That time we were oh so silly & chirped "Monsieur! Gastone! Oh he's so cute!"
That time Jet & I inspired a mustache party while in Disneyland on Spring Tour.
That time we had an after-concert dance party in the school parking lot. {Me = big white flower}
That time we jumped on our hotel beds to our hearts content.
That time we got a liiiiittle scandalous on stage.
That time I almost died from all the hugging at out last ever choir concert. {My face! I die}

Swim was also a big part of my life. I still do it today, every summer I lifeguard & teach swim lessons. But, I am a synchronized swimmer at heart. Oh how I loved synchro!

My team circa 2007. 

At the competitive party!

That time we were the CHAMPIONS of Life Guard Olympics!
My absolute favorite thing of all was coaching these little girls ♥
AND these little girls!
That time someone pushed the poor Snowie into the pool.
Make-up time was probably our favorite time just to giggle & talk.

xo lauren

1 comment:

stephanie hammer said...

shut up. i totally did all those things minus the swimming. i even have a picture of me with a big white flower in my hair in my black choir dress. weird!

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